Tuesday, May 23, 2006

May 23 - Downtown Typing

I'm downtown at the St. Paul Public Library. Marco dropped me off downtown on the way to some job interviews in Minneapolis. I have an appointment to visit a studio space that is for rent later this afternoon. It's in the artists' quarter near the farmers market. It is in a building built around the 1920s, has cement floors and big windows and costs $430/month with all utilities included. I'm hoping it will be nice because I am really eager to get a space and get working regularly.

Marco and I, with Emily on sunday, made a big weekend of visiting Art-a-Whirl, which is an open house of all the art studios in Northeast Minneapolis. Pretty interesting from the standpoint of seeing how other people make use of their studio space. Pretty mediocre from the standpoint of artistic talent. I spent more time looking at various shelves and work tables that people used, or at their business cards and flyer design. There was only one other woman working in stained glass. And like most other stained glass workers I meet she just made cheesy angel suncatchers. She was kinda nuts and talked about every detail under the sun. We learned she was going through menopause, was a gemini, comes from Chicago, and thinks Marco is a hottie. It's wierd to be doing the kind of glass work I plan to do because there is really NOBODY doing the same thing. I am the only person I can find almost anywhere that is setting out to create stained glass with modern decorative design. That could either be good or bad for me. Time will tell....


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