Wednesday, May 10, 2006

May 10 - More on Killing a Fish

Last night I woke up and lay awake thinking about how to kill a fish. I was a little worked up still about bashing it on the head with a rock. I'm not queasy about killing a fish -- in fact I quite enjoyed catching and cleaning and eating our fish. Fishing, killing food is natural. I have no regrets. But our method was kind of brutal and I wanted to figure out a better way. Marco looked on the internet today and it seems perhaps the best way is a swift blow right above the eye with a hammer or a metal rod.

I forgot to mention too, that while fishing last night we also saw a small muskrat and a gigantic beaver swim right by us. I mean this beaver was an oil tanker! It was huge!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How Exciting! I'm glad Marco's there & y'all are hagin fun! Where are y'all moving? When? On killing a fish: my boyfriend, Chris, is quite the fisherman. When we lived in a Alaska 3 summers ago, he worked as a salmon fishing guide... when I caught my first one, I was too a little horrified at how he killed it by bashing it in the head w/a rock - over & over...but, boy was it yummy!

May 10, 2006 8:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you remember how mr. herum would always start the year on his class in junior high school?

good old mr. herum. he'd tell of the time he worked in the meat processing plant, and he'd be at the front, where the cattle run led from whatever transport they arrived on into the plant. his job was to "put down" the cattle. he had a pneumatic gun that was used, and he would always draw this out, how he'd look into the big brown eyes, with the gun right inbetween them...

perhaps what you need is a fish-scaled (hah!) pneumatic gun for the task.

oh, and a sharper knife.

great story.

May 11, 2006 7:54 AM

Blogger Sabrina said...

Believe it or not, I DID think of Mr. Herum and his pneumatic cow gun in the middle of the night. Geez, my 7th grade math teacher and his infamous neon socks and cow-slaughter stories are the last image I want on my mind at 3am!

May 11, 2006 1:35 PM


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