Monday, May 01, 2006

May 1 - No time to write....

Computer time has been in short supply around here in the past three weeks, and that explains my lack of entries.

The crappy thing is that I've actually had loads of stuff I've wanted to write. Suddenly lots of stuff is going on. To give a 30-second summary, Marco arrived, we cooked Easter dinner for 14 people, we saw Salman Rushdie speak, it was my birthday, Marco has begun to integrate into my friends, we've both started job hunting, we've seen deer and beavers and herons in the lovely pond which is now ringed by spring-green trees, we saw a funny one-man play, we visited artists studios, we've started big "foodie" plans which are cool and exciting.

There's more I want to write about all these things. But aint got the time. Gotta go.....


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