Tuesday, March 28, 2006

March 28 - Snow Geese

This blog is becoming a birdwatchers journal!

I walked to Afton this evening. The weather is absolutely lovely out - soft air, fragrant scents, golden sunset.

I was down by the river. Further downstream there was a huge flock of white geese. They were pure white, something I don't remeber having seen before. I thought they might be seagulls or swans, but they were definitely geese. The made a loud sort of rolled cooing noise and it was charming. They were quite pretty.

I told mom about it and she said they are probably snow geese. She said they migrate all the way up to the arctic. Since our river is big and runs north-south all the way down to Louisiana (after meeting the Mississippi 30 miles south of here), it is a popular migration path for all sorts of birds.


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