Weekend in Madison
It was Marco's 30th birthday this weekend! Happy Birthday!
To celebrate we took a trip south to Madison. In Madison there is the University of Wisconsin where we met and had a lot of good times.
The campus is still super pretty and full of life. Some people claim it's one of the best university campuses in the US and I must say that I haven't seen better yet. I've seen University of California at San Diego, University of Hawaii, Columbia University in New York, Univ of Minnesota and while good, none have the same mix of beauty, uniqueness and energy. It's got two lakes on either side of Campus, old buildings with mysterious hallways and towers and stained glass, great beer.
We spent a lot of time in our favorite part of campus - the Rathskellar in Memorial Union. Memorial Union is a gargantuan Italianate stone building.
In the summer there is a huge terrace on the lake with bright colored chairs and zillions of people who come to drink beer and watch bands and movies.
In the winter everyone goes indoors to the Rathskellar, a huge beer german beer hall with fireplaces, charming 100-year-old paintings on the walls of alligators, monkeys and men toasting to good times. The tables in there are thick wood and have been carved by students for century. You can sit and read, eat, talk with friends, drink beer, sleep, start political movements, play music on the jukebox or whatever you want to do there.
We also went out on the town and saw some people that we still know there (not many these days). Good trip!
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