Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ooooh election night!

Well I claim that I'm not into politics yet I'm sitting here at 8pm impatiently browsing news websites for election news. Ooooooh who will controll congress??

I voted this warm and misty November morning and got my classic red "I voted" sticker to wear around on my jacket. I did my part. It's the first time in ages that I actually went to the polling station instead of voting by absentee ballot. The last elections in 2004 I stayed up till the wee hours of the morning in a Paris Bar drinking free champagne and waiting for election results with my half-American friend Sebastian.

That reminds me. Here's something really funny! Watch this video. It's from the 2004 elections but it's short and it's hilarious. It's titled "Voting Machine". www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbfde18789Y (please copy and paste - anyone that reads my blog knows that for some reason my links never work. the bastards!) Hee hee!

Tonight Marco's cooking a yummy dish with cauliflower and eggs accompanied by some grilled Italian sausages. Then we're going to watch the movie "Thank You for Smoking". I love being able to kick back and relax these days because I'm working like a maniac in the studio. I have a zillion mirrors, tealight candle holders, Christmas ornaments, Christmas tree-top stars to build in the next 2 1/2 weeks for the debut of my Chrsitmas show at Gallery 360. And I've got my first commissioned window to design for some clients.


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