June 5 - Still Great Music
Yesterday I must have just been grumpy. Last night I thought the dance music I was listerning to sounded less good here and I was all depressed. But the good news is that I put all my newly acquired music on my headphones and headed out for a walk and MAN did it rock. I've had the same music to listen to for about 6 months so it was really refreshing and did it ever groove!
Also it was sunny out, and for the first time since about March I could walk the full loop around the beach and pond at Steamboat Park in Afton. It's been flooded ever since the snow melted. The last time I was there I was walking on the ice.
In other news I'm STILL waiting for the rental agency to call and tell me if I get the studio or not. They were supposed to call last week. What the hell are they doing?
Finally I never wrote about this weekend. On saturday a bunch of friends of Lauren and Emily invited us for a kayak trip down the Mississippi. We put the boats in the water just north of Minneapolis and went to Saint Paul. It was industrial at first but rather interesting. We watched a big electromagnetic crane lifting scrap metal off a barge. We went through two locks at St. Anthony Falls and a third further down. Then after downtown Minneapolis the banks became very tall and green, nothing but trees and sandy beaches. We had lunch sitting on pure white sand dunes. When we got done boy were my arms sore, but it was fun. Marco and I actually bought cheap kayaks at Fleet Farm in order to do this trip and I think we will use them a lot this summer. In the evening all the people who kayaked and more went to a party to say goodbye to a guy and his girlfriend who are leaving to travel around South America for 11 months. Marco grilled a tasty steak. Mmmm. Lauren and I talked in the kitchen to a guy who produces his own radio show. Got me thinkin'.... Sunday we went to Brit's Pub then a jazz concert with my Dad.
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