June 19 - The New Studio in Action!
I worked at full steam all last week.
I got the keys to my new studio a week ago on wednesday I think. Marco and I started moving, hauling tools and office stuff from home. Then the woman with a studio right next to me knocked on my door and told me that the building, full of artists, would hold an open house the upcoming saturday (two days ago) to try to attract art buyers from the saturday-morning farmers' market outside.
This was a great opportunity to see some potential customers, but so quick! I had just arrived! So Marco and I worked like mad building my work table until we finished it tuesday, then we set up everything else in the studio, then Marco left for a visit back to France wednesday. I worked the rest of the week from like 7am to midnight every day trying to finish at least one complete work so that I could have something to show to any people who came to visit my studio. Whew! By saturday I was completely exhausted but it was so much fun! I LOVE having a real studio!! Two people seemed keenly interested in getting custom stained glass in their home. I gave them flyers and now I'll just see if they actually call back. In any case it was very positive.
I've got to run and do some other stuff now, then I go back to the studio at 8am tomorrow morning. But for now I'll leave you with a "Sign of the Day". I've still got a ton on my computer.

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