Monday, August 28, 2006

Thunder! Lightning!

Call me bizarre, but I love thunderstorms. Storms are one of the things I missed most in the years that I was away from the midwest. There have been some good storms since I've been back -- lightning, thunder, torrential rain and sweet calm air that follows after. Mmmmm...

There was a dark and moody storm here last thursday. I was at my studio in St. Paul when suddenly out my fourth floor window I saw one of the darkest skies descending from the north that I have ever seen in my life -- tar-black rolling clouds. I'd already heard thunderstorm warnings and even tornado warnings for the south of Minnesota on the radio for an hour and I took these dark clouds as a sign to hightail it towards home. Even though I love this weather, those clouds looked menacing. I took the south road home through Woodbury ( damn Woodbury! >:-( and got blasted with horizontal winds and rain and could barely see anything. I felt like the car would blow off the road. Aaahhh, scary but great!

In the meantime in southern Minnesota there were actual tornadoes. On one hand tornados aren't great since they ruin homes and injure people. But on the other hand they are such a spectacular weather phenomenon. They're fascinating. I have never seen one firsthand but I've always had recurring dreams about suddenly seeing one in the sky. I think all midwest kids have dreams at one time or another where they look up in the sky and see torndadoes coming after them. Britt has. My mom has. Do kids in non-tordado regions ever dream this?

Anyway, here are some impressive pictures of last week's tornadoes. They are taken by "tornado chasers", daring people who drive after tornadoes to photograph them and to report on them to local weather centers:

*nope, this blog program doesn't want to upload any photos right now. RRRrrgggggghh. I'll try again later.*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to keep posting comments on your blog, but I had those dreams too! I think I've even had them as an adult. There were some tornadoes in South Carolina, but it's not a normal weather phenomenon there as much as in the Midwest. I would probably credit mine to The Wizard of Oz, however, b/c I also had many dreams about the Wicked Witch of the West....

August 28, 2006 8:29 PM

Blogger Sabrina said...

Actually the "kid" thing isn't quite accurate -- I still dream about tornadoes to this day. But my mom said she only remembers dreaming that as a kid. Funny -- every time I dream about a tornado I think finally I'm seeing one for real and I think FINALLY I get to see a tornado.

August 29, 2006 5:44 PM


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