Thursday, August 24, 2006

Results of My 1st Gallery Visit

Last friday I had my first visit with a gallery, hoping to interest them in my glass work.

Well..... I'm quite pleased to say that the visit was just about the best-case scenario that I could have hoped for. It was rather astonishing even.

As soon as I got out my stuff the woman from the gallery didn't even hesitate and said "you're look is EXACTLY what we're looking for". She took two of my panels right away (the smaller two) because they had immediate space for them in two small windows on either side of the entrance. Then she began a discussion with me about long-term selling in the gallery. In specific she wants me to create a line of glass items to sell during the Christmas season. She wants me to bring a trendy, modern edge to some things that sell well like Christmas tree ornaments, night lights and tabletop panels that can be illuminated from the back with candles or small lights.

I like this challenge actually. Such little "trinket" type things have long been the domain of cheesy kitchy angels and such. I like the idea of trying to find a way to make these items cool.

So I've been working on that in the days since. I've already designed two lines of Christmas ornaments and now I'm building prototypes. The woman from the gallery with meet with me on the 15th of September to see what I've come up with.

Then, in about a year she proposed that they could have my own show in their gallery with my stained glass panels. Great, eh?

So very good results all around!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea! Congrats!

August 24, 2006 4:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouais ! tout pareil !
On attend les photos des prototypes.
Pyves & Maria

August 26, 2006 4:23 AM


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