Monday, July 18, 2005

Jul 18 - NPR - an island of anglophone bliss

I speak French with everybody I know here except Marco. I speak French with all my friends, with all the people at the atelier where I study, with all of Marco's family, with all the shop clerks and metro-ticket vendors and even with the guy that gives free massages on Rue Mouffetard. I speak French with everybody! I do know one English guy and a Canadian but I don't see them that often, and sometimes I even speak French with them.

There are days where I get a real hankerin' to hear the music of my native tongue. While I'm not the always the most rabid patriot, I am a diehard and loyal fan of the English language. I love it's turns of phrase and miss it dearly sometimes.

Where do I go for an English fix?

To National Public Radio, my dears, streaming live over the internet to anglo-hungry expats like me. It's only been a few months that we have high-speed internet at home (for free thanks to TI, where Marco works) and hence "streaming audio" is a recent discovery. But through it I've renewed my love affairs with my old flames, Neal Conan, Ira Flatow and Terry Gross.

Best of all I've discovered a new program that I never listened to back in the US - "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me", the NPR news quiz. This is a damn funny show. Marco likes it too, so we put it on each monday evening during dinner (since we don't own a tv). If you've never listened, you should try. It's at, or on your radio at home for US-based folk.

Writing this blog also helps me get out some anglo energy. Does me good...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hon and Marco,
Don't forget to also stream MPR via the Saturday, 5:00-6:00pm (here) and Sunday 11:00am-noon (here) editions of "Prairie Home Companion." Plus much more Minnesota "you betcha!" stuff per the local KNOW-FM/90.1 schedule. And MPR has almost completed its much bigger new facility just a block or so north of the present one near the old Science Museum. Remember when you, one of your Oakdale chums and I toured what was then their new facility? Time does fly . . . but unfortunately not tortuous temperatures. We had a nine-day streak of them in the 90's that finally ended yesterday--the third longest in Minnesota history. So we're all fans of fans!

July 19, 2005 1:21 PM


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