Sunday, July 17, 2005

Jul 17 - Mom & the 50 states

Mom just got back from a trip to Alaska and announced that she has now been in every US state except Hawaii. Well, she's not too sure about Oklahoma, but she thinks she did cut across one corner of it once.

I'm pretty impressed.....

On another note - another hot and noisy night (no fan yet, so windows open). At about 2 am some woman walked down the street in astoundingly noisy shoes. The CLAK-CLAK-CLAK-CLAK of her flip-flop high heels on the stone sidewalk seemed be audible 5 blocks before her arrival and 5 blocks further down her route. Dang! It not only woke both Marco and I up, but even made him start laughing ("what is that woman wearing...tap shoes?!?!?").


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