Jul 15 - Paris rollerbladers
A few minutes ago I was writing my previous post, grumbling about my noisy busy road outside my apartment. But the lovely thing about Paris is that many things can be loathsome one minute and a dashingly charming the next.
Such was my road in the past ten minutes.
Every friday evening a phenomenon comes to life in Paris. It's the friday night rollerblade run. Maybe this once started out ten years ago as a few rollerblade enthusiasts, but now it's a whooshing hoard of public that takes to the streets. This year they changed their route and it now passes in front of our apartment. The city police stop all traffic (I love seeing the frusterated drivers) just for the love of sport. For a solid fifteen minutes thousands of rollerbladers roll by in a solid mass. They give high fives to spectators on sidewalks and jump and shout. I've never done it, but it looks like a ton of fun.
Here's a picture out our window:

By the way, a big hello to Aunt Bobbi and Aunt Judith!! I just saw your messages!
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