Monday, February 27, 2006

Feb 27 - A Remarkable Week

This has been a rather remarkable week. Actually two weeks. To keep everyone out there updated, I am still living in my childhood home in MN, alone with just my cat, while my Mom is in Florida and I am waiting to move to California.

I was getting a bit of cabin fever, spending a lot of time at home working on stuff for my upcoming glass studio and getting a little crazy bored with evenings alone in my house. But the last two weeks took a much welcome turn for the social, thanks to Lauren and Emily. There was a party last saturday, another this saturday, knitting club last wednesday, a movie friday night, and a variety of breakfasts, lunches and dinners in between. I was reunited with two old and much admired friends, Alicia Jacks and Nick Raleigh. I met (or re-met) and befriended a bunch of other cool folks (ummm, how many names can I remember? Jen, Molly, Andy, another Andy another Nick, Mike, Allie, Lauren the girl). Wow. It's been, well, memorable. Quite memorable.

Especially the party this past saturday night. It was a going away party for a guy named Andy. It was amazing. The party was held at a friend's art gallery in Minneapolis. We ate a yummy potluck dinner in the midst of hip paintings (or actually upon closer inspection, digital prints on canvas) of Hank Williams, Patsy Kline and skeleton cowboys. Then there was a talent show. A TALENT show, can you believe that? How cool. People got up and did amazing things like sing a stunning Billy Holiday-style jazz lullaby about a long road trip to wish Andy on his way. They sang other songs and told jokes and stories about him. I didn't even know the guy but it was touching. Lauren was the finale, making a bread alligator and impromptu comedy routine at the same time. A baking star in the making. There was a dj and the music was bad but folks danced anyway. I talked with all sorts of intriguing people, lots of teachers and artists. There was a guy and girl learning to smith metal in a forge, another girl about to leave to teach junior high science in Colombia (yes, the one in South America), a Guthrie theater actress, a guy who's been working on wind turbines. Then, as the night closed about 100 people it seemed like invited me to a pancake breakfast the following morning. So nice! It was such a cool group of people and a great night. Got home good n' late.


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