Sunday, February 05, 2006

Feb 5 - Sabrina's Weekend Update

High points of this week were:

  • Realizing that my Mom owns a fantastic juicer that she never uses! I dusted it off and have begun throwing all the fruit in the house into it each morning. Oh man, I've wanted a juicer ever since living in Indonesia and Singapore. They have fresh juice carts all over the place there. My favorite, believe it or not, was avocado-mocha. My second favorite was carrot. Sounds wierd but they're damn goooood.

  • Getting a call from Britt in Hawaii. It was her birthday, so I thought I'd call her up. But she beat me to it. Imagine my surprise when I'm just about to pick up the phone to call her, and the phone rings and SHE's calling me! Way to read my mind Bumbum.

  • Knitting at a coffeeshop with Emily thursday night. We ended up shooting the breeze about old high school classmates. Gotta love that. My scarf is coming along too. I just need to get better at knitting and talking at the same time. I lose track of my hands, and my scarf starts to look like it was knitted by someone on their sixth whiskey.

  • Going to a concert of the Minnesota Symphony Orchestra with Dad friday night. Though he's a dedicated jazz enthusiast, sometimes he has a soft spot for classical too. Thanks Dad!

  • As usual, I made a lot of progress on my future studio. I worked on the business plan and started seeking grant money and funding to start it up.

Low points of the week were:

  • I pulled some muscle in my back and hobbled around for a day or two like a geezer.

  • Mom left to Florida for the next month and a half, leaving me as the sole resident of my childhood home. I'm not used to living alone and I haven't yet figured out what to do with myself in the evenings. I spend time cooking nice dinners and that kills some time. But then I just watch TV, and WAY too much of it. It's not even usually good stuff like nature documentaries. It's reality shows and sitcoms. I vow, however, NOT to sink to watching police dramas or "Skating With the Stars".


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