Dec 8 - Kailua
Last night Britt and Andrew and I went to a divey little bar around the corner. Turned out it was full of blue collar Hawaiian men. They played pool and above all sang karaoke with all the passion of old buddies just havin' a good time. Imagine at least twenty massive Polynesian men all singing their hearts out in unison to Billy Idol and the Rolling Stones. It was endearing.
Today we went to Kailua, a beach on the windward side of the island (meaning, yes, the side where the wind comes from). It's a flat, long, beautiful beach.

It is also Oahu's most renowned windsurf and kitesurf beach. But the wind was down and the kitesurfers were waiting and watching from the shore.
Ah, memories...
We left our stuff near the shore and played frisbee in the turquoise water.
There were skimboarders...
...And kayakers.
After the beach we had dinner at a great beach shack called Buzz's. While driving out of town we passed a Stained Glass studio, so I stopped in to talk to the guy. His whole family works in the studio. They seem to do well.
I was looking at the Oahu phonebook in the car. It looks like a romance novel. Where's Fabio?
When we got home I saw, for the first time, one of Hawaii's famous rainbows. It was over the valley near Britt and Andrew's place.
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