Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dec 5 - More Hawaii

Britt and I hit the town and took on the island while her boyfriend Andrew was out at sea (he works on scientific research ships). And when he got back yesterday he joined in the fun. Here are more photos:

Hiking in Makiki Valley

Running through a forest of bamboo

View of the valley

During the hike Britt and I were caught by a drenching thunderstorm

Today I was on my own. Britt and Andrew went to work this morning and I came here to Kapiolani Park

Then found sea urchins in a tidepool

In the afternoon I climbed up Diamond Head crater - an ancient volcano

Here's the view from Diamond Head

In late afternoon Andrew gave us a tour of the research vessel that he's currently working on

Here he is "hard at work" in the engine room

Then Britt and Andrew brought me to a hidden local cafe, the world's best Tiki bar!

Cocktail umbrellas and marachino cherries

After leaving we walked through the nearby port and Britt, the coolest biologist in the world, showed us zooplanktons swimming to the light, and fish swarming to eat the zooplanktons.


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