I have another blog
Oh no, I feel so guilty! It's like being caught with another man on the side. Only I have another blog and I'm spending more time with it than I am with this one! Gasp!
I've been selling my works online through Etsy, and as a part of my online marketing campaign (one that's really on the cheap) I tried setting up a MySpace site devoted specifically to crafters and design. My friend Emily, who's now working for the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, tends their MySpace page and she said ALL the arts organizations are doing it. So here I go.
So I have a new blog on there. It's only about work and my studio and about design and crafting in general, but work is all I've been doing lately so that's pretty much all I've had to write about. If you're curious its at www.myspace.com/greenlanternglass .
I'll still write here too though. It's my first and only true blog....
beuuuu c trop moche myspace !
on dirait un site soviétique, tout est encadré.
vive blogger !!!
June 08, 2007 1:21 AM
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